Members of the press and public are welcome and a short period for democratic discussion is held at the beginning of every meeting.
In May each year, prior to the Annual Parish Council Meeting, the Annual Parish Meeting is held. Although chaired by the incumbent Chair of the Parish Council, this is not a Parish Council meeting but an opportunity for residents of the Parish to discuss any points they wish that affect the parish. The agenda for the 2024 meeting can be found by following the link:
Following the Annual Parish Meeting of each year, we hold an Annual Parish Council Meeting at which, in a non-election year, the Chair and Vice Chair step down and new members are elected. The outgoing Chair provides a report on the events and work of the Parish Council during their year in office. In an election year, such as 2024, all members of the Parish Council will have stepped down and, those who were voted back into office, take up their posts from the 7th May. The new Chair and Vice Chair are then voted into office at the next meeting – the Annual Parish Council Meeting – the agenda for which can be found by following the link in the list below.
For a list of the forthcoming agendas for regular Parish Council meetings, or the most recent set of minutes please see below.
You can find more minutes of the council’s meetings dating back to 1980 in our archive.
Copies of the District and County Reports can be found here.