Bere Regis Neighbourhood Plan Passed

Bere Regis Parish Council is delighted that our community has voted decisively in favour of adopting our Neighbourhood Plan. 447 votes were cast in favour and 92 against, with a turnout of 40.19% of the eligible voters.

We very much hope the landowners and developers will get on with applying for consents and building the new homes as rapidly as possible, so as to keep disruption to a minimum.

We look forward to working with residents on the new facilities that the new plan will make possible.

Village Forum Saturday 27th April 2019

All parishioners are invited to come along to the Village Forum on Saturday 27th April, commencing 10am at the school hall and running until 2pm.

There will be a brief talk on all that has been achieved over the last year, including the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The official launch of the new minibus service will take place and forms will be available on the day for village groups to sign up to be able to hire the vehicle.

There will also be an open forum discussion on future projects – what would you like to see happen in the village in the future and how can we go about achieving that goal.

There will be tea and coffee available throughout the day and hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan to take away.

Bere Regis Neigbourhood Plan – Notice of Poll

On Thursday 2nd May, 2019, all residents of the Parish will be asked to cast their vote for the Neighbourhood Plan. The Poll will take the form of one question to which you will need to answer a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The question will be:-

Do you want Dorset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Bere Regis to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

The Parish Council and many residents of the parish have been working on the Plan for over 6 years now. We very much hope you will answer ‘Yes’ to this question.

The full notice of Poll can be found here: BRNP-notice-of-poll

Neighbourhood Plan Complete

Having started the plan back in November 2012, it has finally been completed and the full plan can be found; Bere Regis NPlan April 2019

We would like to thank all those who have helped produce this document over the years – to everyone who was involved in the initial working groups, to all those who attended consultations and responded to questionnaires. Without all your help this would not have been possible.

We would like to remind everyone that the final phase before the plan becomes a legally binding document is the referendum. This will take place on Thursday 2nd May and we would urge to vote in favour of the plan. Copies of the plan will be available at the Village Forum on Saturday 27th April at the School Hall.

Rights of Way – Dark Lane

The Parish Council is in the process of having Dark Lane added to the Definitive Maps Register and ensuring it remains open for public use into the future.

In order to achieve this, we need to accumulate proof of use. If you have used the path continually for more than 10 years, please complete the evidence form and return it to the Clerk. You must return the hard copy of the form as only original, signed documents will be accepted and please do not forget to sign the map as well.

You can print the evidence form here: Dark Lane Evidence Form

Neighbourhood Plan – September 2018 Update

The Public Consultation period has now passed and we are very grateful to all those who took the time to complete the questionnaire. The queries raised have all been reviewed and many of you raised the same issues. These issues have now been drawn together and, we hope, answered in an update of the Frequently Asked Questions which can be found by clicking: FAQs – June – 2018 consultation.

The Plan has also been amended to take into account some of the points raised and it has now been forwarded to Purbeck District Council who will begin their statutory 6 week consultation period during the coming week. This will give everyone another chance to comment should they wish to do so.

The final version of the Neighbourhood Plan can be found here:
Bere Regis Neighbourhood Plan Final Version (September 2018)

The Supporting Evidence shown below is provided in conjunction with the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan. It has been updated in line with the changes made to the Neighbourhood Plan, following the consultation period in June 2018.

Text Ref

Document Download

SE1 Bere Regis Parish Plan
Bere Regis Parish Plan Action Points
SE2 Consultation Statement
SE3 Population Appraisal
SE4 Housing Census Data
SE5 Census Data 2011 – Vehicle Ownership
SE6 Census Data 2011 – Employment and Socio-economic Profile
SE7 Census Data 2011 – Education Profile
SE8 Historic Environment Statement
SE9 Conservation Area Appraisal
SE10 Map of Land Designations
SE11 SE11 Settlement Boundary Maps
SE12 Settlement Boundary Amendments Explained
SE13 Noise Impact Assessment
SE14 Housing Needs Survey
SE15 Housing Site Selection
SE16 Areas of Local Green Space
SE17 Who we consulted

Other useful links

National Planning Policy Framework

Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 (PLP1)

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Neighbourhood Plan – June 2018 Consultation

This Supporting Evidence has now been superseded. Please see the Main Neighbourhood Plan Page for the latest documents and updates.

We have now begun the 6 week period for Public Consultation on the final draft version of our Neighbourhood Plan. The final draft plan can be found below:

Our consultation event is being held on Saturday, 23rd June where you can come along and see paper copies of the final draft plan and discuss this with councillors. A questionnaire will be available to complete on the day. Alternatively it can be completed online here:

Once the 6 week public consultation has finished, we will make any minor changes to the Plan as required before it’s then submitted to Purbeck District Council for their approval. This is all leading up to a Parish Referendum on accepting the Neighbourhood Plan which will hopefully take place in May 2019, to coincide with Local Elections for the new Unitary Authority.

Supporting Evidence for Neighbourhood Plan (June 2018)

The Supporting Evidence shown below is provided in conjunction with the latest draft Neighbourhood Plan. It has been updated in line with the changes made to the Neighbourhood Plan, originally published in November/December 2017.

Text Ref

Document Download

SE1 Consultation Statement
SE2 Population Appraisal
SE3 Housing Census Data
SE4 Census Data 2011 – Vehicle Ownership
SE5 Census Data 2011 – Employment and Socio-economic Profile
SE6 Census Data 2011 – Education Profile
SE7 Historic Environment Statement
SE8 Conservation Area Appraisal
SE9 Map of Land Designations
SE10 Settlement Boundary Amendments Explained
SE11 Noise Attenuation Plan
SE12 Housing Needs Survey
SE13 Housing Site Selection
SE14 Areas of Open Space
Other Sustainability Appraisal

Other useful links

National Planning Policy Framework

Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 (PLP1)

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Neighbourhood Plan – Supporting Evidence Dec 2017

Bere Regis Parish Council
Supporting Evidence for Neighbourhood Plan (December 2017)

This Supporting Evidence has now been superseded. Please see the Main Neighbourhood Plan Page for the latest documents and updates.

The Supporting Evidence shown below is provided in conjunction with the draft Neighbourhood Plan

Text Ref

Document Download

SE1 Conservation Area Appraisal
SE2 Consultation Statement
SE3 Planning Policy NW from PLP1
SE4 to 9 Census Data 2011
Population Profile
Car Ownership
Socio-economic Profile
Education Profile
SE10 Historic Environment Statement
SE11 Business & Employment in Bere Regis
SE12 Housing Site Selection Process
SE13 Housing Needs Survey
SE14 Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Harbour
SE15 Purbeck Groundwater Flood Risk Policy
SE16 Noise Attenuation Plan
SE17 Poole and Purbeck Town Centre, Retail and Leisure Study – November 2016   Link to follow
SE18 Bere Regis Areas of Open Space

Other useful links

National Planning Policy Framework

Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 (PLP1)

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Pre-Submission Draft Mineral Sites Plan & Waste Plan

The Mineral Sites Plan identifies specific locations for sand and gravel, crushed rock, ball clay, Purbeck Stone, other building stone and a site for the provision of recycled aggregates. The Plan also proposes the allocation of the Puddletown Road Policy Area.

The Waste Plan, once adopted, will establish the vision, objectives and spatial strategy for the development of waste management facilities in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole up to 2033. It contains 13 site allocations for new and improved waste management facilities. In addition, the Plan contains a series of detailed policies that will be used when determining future planning applications for waste development.

Maps of the proposed sites, guidance information and submission details can be found on . The sites of particular interest to Bere Regis Parish Council are those at Philliols Farm (AS12) and Gallows Hill (AS28).

Both sites were submitted in the 2016 consultation and the Parish Council objected to both. Our comments can be found here: Philliols Farm    Gallows Hill

The Parish Council will be discussing the Plan at its January 2018 meeting and members of the public are invited to attend and submit their comments. The consultation started on the 1st December and runs until the 31st January 2018. This will be the last opportunity to make representations before the Plans are submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.