Over the years, the Bere Regis Parish Council have been involved in many major projects. This page highlights some of the success that has been had.
Bere Regis New School Construction for the new school is currently underway. |
Elder Road Play Area Work is now complete and the Play Area was opened at 2pm on Saturday 2nd March. |
Elder Road Open Space Purbeck District Council have formally agreed to hand over the land to Bere Regis Parish Council, hopefully at some point in 2013. |
Souls Moor Souls Moor has now been purchased by the Parish Council. The land will be used as a community space for the entire village. |
WWI Commemorations 2014-2018 Next year marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The Parish Council have invited a number of representatives from the various groups in the village to meet up and discuss and plan suitable events that all our residents can participate in if they wish. |