March 2014
A number of queries have recently been raised about the new children’s play park.
The play park is inspected at least annually (last year it was actually inspected twice) by an official inspector from RoSPA. All suggestions or recommendations from these inspections have been carried out, and it has been certified safe for use. Weekly, the Lengthsman looks it over for any minor problems, and monthly it gets a more detailed inspection from a member of the Parish Council who has undertaken appropriate training to qualify him for this role. Maintenance work is carried out regularly.
The Parish Council has not cut costs in this area, nor in any other. Indeed, because of our new responsibilities and because of cost cutting elsewhere in local government, we have raised our annual precept again this year, but we believe that at £64.35 for a Band D household, we provide a very cost-effective service for the parish.
The decision to place the contract to build the play park with Andy Frost, was ultimately taken by the Parish Council, but the selection and recommendation was that of the volunteers of the Bere Regis Play Association, a recommendation that the Parish Council was very happy to accept.
The Chairman of the Parish Council has no connection, or friendship, or association with the contractor, Andy Frost.
28th December 2012
Despite appalling weather, a hardy team of volunteers dismantled the existing play area, ready for work to start on installing the new equipment over the next few weeks. Our thanks to all of them and to Kevin Crocker for letting us borrow his tractor. One last look at the old play area………..