Community Hall Project 2016-2017

February 2017

Following the review of the Working Groups’ proposals at the February 2017 Parish Council meeting, a formal response to the recommendations contained within the report was issued. The full response can be read by clicking on the following link:

Response to the Recommendations of the BRISCFWG

The Parish Council acknowledges, with gratitude, the huge amount of time and effort put in by the members of the Bere Regis Community Facility over the past year, and is very pleased to be able to accept the main recommendations put forward in the Report of Findings, dated December 2016.

The tasks facing us now are to:

  • Engage widely with the community
  • Create a body to take forward these recommendations
  • Identify sources of funding and institute a fundraising plan to achieve the necessary target
  • Design, build and commission a new Community Hall to meet the changing and developing needs of our community over the next 30 or 40 years.

The Parish Council’s aim is to create a new Community Hall in line with the recommendations, to a design and with the necessary flexibility to meet the current and future needs of community groups, residents and external hirers, with a range of facilities to attract individual and group bookings sufficient to make the hall financially self-sufficient.

The structure, membership and tasks of the New Community Hall Sub-committee (NCHC) can be found by following the link: NCHC Terms of Reference – February 2017

January 2017

Following an analysis of responses to the community survey last summer and much other work, the report of the Indoor Sports and Community Facility Working Group is now complete. The full report can be found by clicking on the link below:

BRISCFWG Hall Report Findings Jan 2017

The report concludes that there is justification for a new community hall, sets out suggestions for the facilities that might be provided, examines possible sites, estimates likely costs and makes recommendations for how to take the project forward.

On the evening of the 12th January, the Group presented its finding to the Parish Council. The Parish Council will now consider the report before bringing it back to the meeting on Thursday 9th February 2017.

It is expected that there will be a further presentation of the Group’s work and the Parish Council’s intentions at the Parish Forum scheduled for Saturday 25th March.

November 2016

The Group have now completed its report following an analysis of responses to the community survey, and looking at what facilities might be provided in any new facility, the likely costs and possible sites.

Our report has been passed to the Parish Council for its consideration. The Parish Council is likely to discuss our report at its 8th December meeting. If you would like to attend the meeting, look out for further details on Facebook or on the Parish Council noticeboards.

If you have any questions about the work of the Group, please contact Mike Gee at or on 07759 884942.

October 2016

The Group has now completed its report following an analysis of responses to the community survey, and looking at what facilities might be provided in any new facility, the likely costs and possible sites.

Our report has been passed to the Parish Council for its consideration. The Parish Council is likely to discuss our report at its meeting on the 8th December. If you would like to attend the meeting, lood out for further details on Facebook or the Parish Council noticeboards.

If you have any questions about the work of the Group, please contact Mike Gee at or on 07759 884942.

August 2016

The Bere Regis Indoor Sports and Community Facility Working Group would like to thank all those who responded to the recent survey. The Group received responses from approximately 250 households in the Parish (just over 30% of the total). These responses have provided the Group with lots of valuable information about what local residents would like to see. Over the next few months the Group will be analysing the responses to the survey, examining the need for a new facility, what facilities might be provided in any new facility, the likely costs and possible sites. To ensure a wide breadth of knowledge and views, representatives from a number of village groups and organisations sit on the Working Group (including the Sports Club, the Drax Hall, the Parish Church, the School and the Scouts). The Working Group will complete its work by preparing a report for the Parish Council to consider the need, and support within the community, for a new indoor sports and community facility. Further details of the work of the Group will appear in the Parish magazine and on the village Facebook page. If you have any questions about the work of the Group or any thoughts or comments, please contact Mike Gee –

July 2016

What do you think about a new Indoor Sports and Community Facility for Bere Regis?

Have your say…….

Every household in Bere Regis Parish will receive a survey form through the post by mid-July. The survey can also be completed online by clicking on the link below:-

Indoor Sports and Community Facility Survey (the date for completion has now passed)

Your answers will enable us to gauge public demand for any new hall, the way in which it is likely to be used and the facilities it might provide. So please tell us what you think by completing the survey – your opinion counts.

Completed paper forms should be returned to collection boxes in the village Post Office, Mace shop and Doctors’ Surgery or to any Parish Councillor.

June 2016

Every household in the Parish will receive a survey in early July. It will ask whether you would welcome a new community hall and, if so, what facilities you would like to see in it. Look out for the survey form and please complete and return it – the answers you give are important to the future of our community.

Representatives from a number of village groups and organisations sit on the Working Group (including the Sports Club, the Drax Hall, the Parish Council, the School and the Scouts). The Working Group has been set up to advise the Parish Council on whether there is a need, and support within the community, for a new indoor sports and community facility.

Having had its first meeting in March, the Working Group has continued to meet regularly. The Working Group has contacted all existing sports and community venues in the village to check what facilities they have and to discuss how well their facilities meet the needs of each venue’s users. The Working Group has also contacted all local groups and societies to help understand their requirements and how will they are currently met. Having a sound understanding of the needs within the village is vital to the work of the Working Group, which is why we are also asking for your views.

Please look out for further details of the work of the Group in the Parish magazine, on the village Facebook page and through other publicity. If you have any questions about the work of the Group or any thoughts or comments, please contact Mike Gee at or on 0775 998 4942.

30th March 2016

The Working Group held its second meeting on the 30th March. Members of the Group will be contacting all existing sports and community venues to check what facilities they have and to discuss how well their facilities meet the needs of the venue users. In turn, we will be contacting all local groups to help us understand their requirements and how well they are currently met. The Working Group will be seeking views from the wider community. The first opportunity to do so will be at the Village Forum to be held at the Scout Hut on the morning of Saturday 23rd April. If you have any questions about the work of the Group or any thoughts or comments before then, please contact Mike Gee at or 0775 988 4942.

9th March 2016

Following on from comments made in various questionnaires and surveys in recent years, the Parish Council has set up an independent Working Group to advise it on whether there is a need, and support within the community, for a new indoor sports and community facility. This is a potentially exciting project for the village, although the Working Group will have to be realistic about what can be achieved and wishes to be careful about raising false hopes.

Representatives from a number of village groups and organisations sit on the Working Group, including the Sports Club, the Drax Hall, the Parish Council, the School and the Scouts.

The Working Group held its first meeting on 9th March when it discussed how to set about its work. The Working Group will be contacting all local groups so as to understand their requirements and how well they are currently met and will be looking at all existing sports and community facilities in the Parish to see what they provide. The Working Group will be seeking views from the wider community. The first opportunity to do so will be at the Village Forum to be held at the Scout Hut on the morning of Saturday 23rd April.

If you have any questions about the work of the Group or any thoughts or comments, please contact Mike Gee at or on 0775 988 4942.

Regular updates on the work of the Group will be posted under the Projects section of this web site, on the Village Facebook page and in the Parish magazine