This Draft Neighbourhood Plan on this page has now been superseded. Please see the Main Neighbourhood Plan Page for the latest documents and updates.
Saturday 11th November saw 160 people attending the consultation meeting in the School Hall. Ian Ventham first gave a presentation about the key points of the plan, followed by a question and answer session. The full presentation can be viewed by clicking: Presentation 11.11.17
Parishioners then had the opportunity to look at various plans and engage with the parish councillors about some of the detail.
Inevitably, most interest was focused on the development sites and the number and mix of housing in the proposals. Generally, most parishioners appeared to be reasonably content with the proposals, sometimes with understandable concerns about the impact of construction traffic and increased traffic movements that any new development will bring. Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the respective responses can be found here: FAQs
Copies of the draft plan, which outlines the 5 sites being proposed for about 105 new houses, can be found here: Bere Regis NPlan DRAFT
The next steps are for the Plan to be formally examined, then we hope to hold a final consultation and a referendum in the Spring of 2018.
All previous updates, and further information can be found on the main Neighbourhood Plan page.