Community Survey

The Parish Council is keen to improve the way that it engages with the community. We have prepared a survey to address this issue and, in addition, a couple of other topics that the Council is currently working on. In particular, there are a number of questions about traffic issues (speeding, traffic volumes, parking, etc) which we know cause a variety of concerns in various locations.

The survey is available both electronically, via the link below, and also as a paper version which will be delivered to all households in the parish. Electronic completion would greatly help us in assembling the results, but the paper option is fine should you wish to complete the survey that way. You can post hard copies of the survey in the black letterbox by the village shop.

Bere Regis Parish Council Community Survey (online form)

The survey is now closed.

The results of the survey will be made available as part of the displays at the next Parish Forum on 20th July 2024. In particular, we hope to use the results to improve communication with the community, and, from the traffic perspective, to support our requests to Dorset Council for more traffic control measures in various locations. If the electronic survey version proves successful, it may give us another way of seeking views from the community going forward.

Your details will never be disclosed to a third party and will only be kept on file for the length of time necessary to complete this survey, after which they will be removed from the Parish Council records. Should you wish to receive the results of the survey direct or be kept informed of Parish events, please email the Clerk and mark the email Parish Information in the subject bar ( )

Useful Mental Health Support in Dorset

During times of mental health difficulties, it is important that support, help, advice and guidance are available at the earliest opportunity. Support may look like specific clinical intervention, it may be support from people who have lived experience which the reciprocity or relationships helps build confidence and understanding.

The information sheet provides signposting to adult and older person mental health supports which are available in addition to the existing primary care and secondary care mental health services.

The full list of services offering help and their contact information can be found by clicking Useful Mental Health Support Dorset

Bere Regis Neighbourhood Plan Passed

Bere Regis Parish Council is delighted that our community has voted decisively in favour of adopting our Neighbourhood Plan. 447 votes were cast in favour and 92 against, with a turnout of 40.19% of the eligible voters.

We very much hope the landowners and developers will get on with applying for consents and building the new homes as rapidly as possible, so as to keep disruption to a minimum.

We look forward to working with residents on the new facilities that the new plan will make possible.

Village Forum Saturday 27th April 2019

All parishioners are invited to come along to the Village Forum on Saturday 27th April, commencing 10am at the school hall and running until 2pm.

There will be a brief talk on all that has been achieved over the last year, including the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The official launch of the new minibus service will take place and forms will be available on the day for village groups to sign up to be able to hire the vehicle.

There will also be an open forum discussion on future projects – what would you like to see happen in the village in the future and how can we go about achieving that goal.

There will be tea and coffee available throughout the day and hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan to take away.

Bere Regis Neigbourhood Plan – Notice of Poll

On Thursday 2nd May, 2019, all residents of the Parish will be asked to cast their vote for the Neighbourhood Plan. The Poll will take the form of one question to which you will need to answer a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The question will be:-

Do you want Dorset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Bere Regis to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

The Parish Council and many residents of the parish have been working on the Plan for over 6 years now. We very much hope you will answer ‘Yes’ to this question.

The full notice of Poll can be found here: BRNP-notice-of-poll

Neighbourhood Plan Complete

Having started the plan back in November 2012, it has finally been completed and the full plan can be found; Bere Regis NPlan April 2019

We would like to thank all those who have helped produce this document over the years – to everyone who was involved in the initial working groups, to all those who attended consultations and responded to questionnaires. Without all your help this would not have been possible.

We would like to remind everyone that the final phase before the plan becomes a legally binding document is the referendum. This will take place on Thursday 2nd May and we would urge to vote in favour of the plan. Copies of the plan will be available at the Village Forum on Saturday 27th April at the School Hall.