The Parish Council is keen to improve the way that it engages with the community. We have prepared a survey to address this issue and, in addition, a couple of other topics that the Council is currently working on. In particular, there are a number of questions about traffic issues (speeding, traffic volumes, parking, etc) which we know cause a variety of concerns in various locations.
The survey is available both electronically, via the link below, and also as a paper version which will be delivered to all households in the parish. Electronic completion would greatly help us in assembling the results, but the paper option is fine should you wish to complete the survey that way. You can post hard copies of the survey in the black letterbox by the village shop.
Bere Regis Parish Council Community Survey (online form)
The survey is now closed.
The results of the survey will be made available as part of the displays at the next Parish Forum on 20th July 2024. In particular, we hope to use the results to improve communication with the community, and, from the traffic perspective, to support our requests to Dorset Council for more traffic control measures in various locations. If the electronic survey version proves successful, it may give us another way of seeking views from the community going forward.
Your details will never be disclosed to a third party and will only be kept on file for the length of time necessary to complete this survey, after which they will be removed from the Parish Council records. Should you wish to receive the results of the survey direct or be kept informed of Parish events, please email the Clerk and mark the email Parish Information in the subject bar ( )