Road Closure Notification

Dorset County Council Highways have informed us they have received an application from Amey Highways on behalf of Network Rail to close the A352 at Wool level crossing. The closure has been requested to allow contractors to upgrade and renew the level crossing. The works are programmed to start at 00:05hrs on Sunday 3rd March and be completed by 06:00hrs on Monday 18th March 2013, for a period of 15 days, 5 hours and 55 minutes. The road closure is necessary for safety reasons, as the works will take place within the whole width of the level crossing.

The road closure will be publicised in a number of ways: information will be placed on boards and Variable Message Signing (VMS) on the road in this area to inform the travelling public of the works: there will be a letter drop to local residents and businesses directly affected by the works; and they will sign a vehicular diversion route using the local road network.  A plan of the diversion route is attached:

Closure and diversion route map - Wool crossing March 2013